Of Knights and Turtles

Loeg Thangalf island, once home to an ancient Elven family, has been overrun by deadly dread-turtles. There are few who would dare their sharp beaks or brave their shores. One such hopeful hero may need a bit of rescuing.

'Help! Oh, have you seen my baby? My little girl, Dorach, is missing! That fool of a child is always wandering off pretending to be a knight like her older sister. I only looked away from her for a moment and she was gone!

'Her sword is missing too, and I fear she's gone on to challenge the turtles on Loeg Thangalf. I tried to explain to her that they are enormous, fierce creatures, and not at all the small turtles she's seen in the river nearby, but I fear that made her all the more determined. Oh please find my girl!'

Andrethil is frantic with worry over her missing child, Dorach, who she think may have gone to the nearby island to challenge its fierce dread-turtles.

You should head to Loeg Thangalf and look for Dorach.

  • Search for Dorach

While searching Loeg Thangalf you managed to find Dorach, who is eager to speak with you.

Loeg Thangalf is in northern Pinnath Gelin.


You rescued Dorach, but she's worried about the sword she dropped on the north-eastern part of the Loeg Thangalf. You should retrieve the sword and return it to her.

  • Search for Dorach's sword

On Loeg Thangalf you found a small sword that had been dropped by Dorach.

You should bring the sword to Dorach at Mereham, in central Pinnath Gelin.


You have returned Thumb-cleaver to Dorach, and her mother, Andrethil is waiting now to speak with you.

Andrethil is at Mereham in central Pinnath Gelin.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268454317


0 gold coin 48 silver coin 15 copper coin
513000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
513000 legendary xp icon

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