Fishy Work

Rindur's fishing haul must be dried out to prepare for preservation.

'Got a lot of fish here, but not enough hands to move 'em to the drying racks!

'Take this bucket, will you? Fill it with fish from the crate over there, then set 'em out on the racks.'

Rindur has given you an empty bucket to fill with fish.

You can fill it up from the full fish crate in Melgobas.

You have filled your bucket with fish.

You should set the fish out to dry on drying racks around Melgobas.

  • Place fish on drying racks (${CURRENT}/${MAX})

You have set all the fish out to dry on drying racks.

You should let Rindur in Melgobas know.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268454314


0 gold coin 47 silver coin 95 copper coin
488000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
488000 legendary xp icon

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