Lothgobel Salvage Wood

A Corsair has asked you to retrieve scrap wood from around town.

'The war has produced no shortage of scrap wood. Most woodworkers only want to work with fresh stock. They don't know how to make the most of their resources. But me? Well, those of us who have lived on the sea know treasure when we see it. I've struck a deal with some of the townspeople. They collect and lay out old wood for me, and I turn it into something useful and sell it back to them.

'Take care of today's collections. My back can't handle the heavy lifting today.'

Aradax has asked you to collect scrap wood from around Tathrendalf.

  • Collect salvage wood (0/5)

You have retrieved some salvage wood from around Lothgobel and should return it to Aradax in Lothgobel.

Talk to Aradax in Lothgobel.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268454239


0 gold coin 47 silver coin 55 copper coin
443000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
443000 legendary xp icon

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