Seeking Slats

A maker of barrels in Calembel needs help gathering chopped wood from the surrounding forests.

'Greetings! I am Rusgwen, maker of fine barrels and crates. If you are looking for work, I am in need of someone to collect wood outside the city's walls. Fear not, for I shan't ask you to chop it yourself. I did that already yesterday and left it there to dry a bit.

'No sense in my lugging it back up the hill when I can pay coin to have some dolt – uh, that is, some fine individual to gather it for me.'

Rusgwen has asked you to gather cut wood from the tree dotted areas around Calembel.

  • Collect cut wood (0/10)

You should bring the cut wood you gathered back to Rusgwen in Calembel.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268454239


0 gold coin 47 silver coin 55 copper coin
443000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
443000 legendary xp icon

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