A Cure For Weariness

After a long journey, Othor has arrived at Pelargir with a rag-tag group of Corsairs.

'${PLAYER}, what a surprise! I'm glad to see you again, now that those dark days are behind us.

'Ah -- yes, that's Nasar. I'm not sure if he would remember you on account of his drunkenness when you met him. As for how we've wound up here... that is a long story. Suffice to say that my men and I could not extract any useful secrets from him, even after he imbibed all the ale you collected. And with the aid of some shared drinks, we befriended each other instead.

'Actually, would you lend me your ear? I'm unfamiliar with Pelargir, and while my presence seems to put the residents at ease, my Corsair companions are also fresh faces to the city. Walking around freely would not go well. But after such a long journey, I was hoping to raise our spirits with some food.

'I've heard there is a food stall run by Haradrim somewhere south of here, near the docks. Would you mind ordering something for us?'

According to Othor, there is a food stall run by Haradrim towards the southern end of West Pelargir.

You should find it.

  • Find the food stall run by Haradrim

You have found the food stall in West Pelargir.

You should talk to Jódha to order food.


You have found the food stall in West Pelargir and given your order.

You should wait for Jódha to finish cooking.

  • Wait for Jódha to finish your order

Jódha has finished cooking your food.

You should talk to her at her food stall in West Pelargir.


You have retrieved the food for Othor, Nasar, and the other Corsairs.

You should return to them near the West Pelargir gates.

  • Return to Othor near the West Pelargir gates

Nasar waits near the West Pelargir gates.

He seems to want to talk to you.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268454139


0 gold coin 47 silver coin 35 copper coin
422000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
422000 legendary xp icon

Additional info


  • Find the food stall run by Haradrim
  • Wait for Jódha to finish your order
  • Talk to Jódha
  • Return to Othor near the West Pelargir gates
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