Gwathrenost: Symbols of the Iron Crown

Once the seat of the Witch-king of Angmar, the dread citadel of Gwathrenost casts a long shadow upon the city of Carn Dûm. All but abandoned after the Steward of Angmar was deposed, the remnants of the Iron Crown have crept forth from the shadows, seeking to master a lost artifact of the Witch-king and reclaim dominion of Angmar.

'It is a terrible sight to see so many banners of the Iron Crown again flying within Carn Dûm. We have done what we can to tear them down throughout the city, but the banners at Gwathrenost are too well-defended.

'Will you aid us, friend?

'If the Iron Crown is to be overthrown at last, the symbols of their oppression must be torn down!'

NOTE: To advance this quest, you must use the Instance Finder (Ctrl+J) to enter Gwathrenost, the Witch-king's Citadel.

Banners of the Iron Crown can be found at Gwathrenost.

Raith has asked you to destroy banners of the Iron Crown at Gwathrenost.

  • Destroy banners of the Iron Crown (0/12)

Raith can be found at Bail Avarc.

You have destroyed many of the Iron Crown's banners at Gwathrenost. You should return to Raith.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268454115


0 gold coin 47 silver coin 35 copper coin
422000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
422000 legendary xp icon

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