Tutorial: Killing in the name of...

Uglash wants you prepared to fight for Mordirith and tasked you with trying out your skills before sending you off to fight the enemy in the Ettenmoors.

'Let us what you can do. Behind the totems are effigies of the enemy. Go to them. Use your skills against them and return me when you have struck blows upon the false enemies that we train against. Return to me when this task is done.'

You are to go to the training dummies behind the totems in Gramsfoot and use your skills so that you might familiarize yourself with how to fight the enemy.

Remember, you cannot attack or use skills while you are marching. You will need to disable the skill March! to begin attacking or use other skills.

  • Successfully use <rgb=#FFFF00>Tainted Kiss</rgb> on a target dummy

You have used both a ranged and a melee skill on a target dummy and should return to Uglash at Gramsfoot.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268437700


0 gold coin 21 silver coin 14 copper coin
Quest has an additional unknown reward

Additional info


  • Successfully use <rgb=#FFFF00>Tainted Kiss</rgb> on a target dummy
  • Talk to Uglash
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