Halbarad has charged you with rendering aid to those of his kin who were scattered across the South Downs following the attack on Sarn Ford by the Black Riders.
'Many of my kin were scattered across the South Downs in the wake of the attack, and I fear at least four of the Black Riders may harry the Rangers among the hills. Save the Dúnedain you can, help them recover from their injuries, and restore what safety you can to the South Downs.
'If you see the wraiths... hide, if you can, but run, if you must. There is a power and an evil about them I have never seen before.'
Meneldir is at Sarn Ford.
Meneldir is eager to set forth in search of his scattered kin.
Elves camp east of the river near Caranost.
Meneldir believes that some of the scattered Rangers likely made their way for one of the Elf-camps across the river from Caranost.
Handarod rallies the Rangers at Sírlond, an Elf-camp across the river from Caranost, the old capital of Cardolan.
Dangerous foes stalk the South Downs, making it difficult for scattered kinfolk of the Ranger Handarod to make it to Sírlond. He has asked you to do what you can to help.
Ranger Handarod is at Sírlond, waiting for word of your success in the South Downs.
Handarod believes other Rangers gather at Scurloc Farm, to the north-east.