Prologue, Chapter 6: Worrisome Tidings

If it is true that Saruman commands the loyalties of the Uruks that have come to Swanfleet, there may indeed be dark days ahead for Middle-earth.

'Why does your Ranger friend just stand there, like a lump on a log? Speak up, man. What has gotten into him?'

Meneldir stands by the mayor in the village of Clegur, in the Stoor-vales.


Meneldir desires to return to Mossward to speak with the townspeople there, and he recommended you do the same.

  • Return to the town square of Mossward

Cadogan addresses the crowd.


Cadogan asked you to carry a barrel of swords from within Skardí Bendblade's shop to the town square so the folk of Mossward can be armed against further intrusion by the Uruks.

  • Pick up a barrel of swords inside the Mossward blacksmith shop

Meneldir is to the north-west, trying to get your attention.


Meneldir wishes to discuss what he knows of the Wizards that walk in Middle-earth.

  • Hear what Meneldir knows of Gandalf the Wizard

Meneldir is north-west of the town square, in Mossward.


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Map width ID 268453997
Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268454010


0 gold coin 0 silver coin 90 copper coin
314 xp icon
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