Mission: The Further Adventures of Elladan & Elrohir, Chapter 4

According to the Galadhrim, Lothlórien has been peaceful. Regardless, Gwaihir's news of the wolf presence along the Anduin occupies your minds.

You should talk to Elrohir.


Elrohir has noticed growling coming from somewhere down the road.

You should find the source.

  • Find the source of the growling

You have discovered wolves surrounding a bear cub.

You should defeat the wolves.

  • Defeat the wolves

You should talk to Elladan.


The bear cub must have gotten separated from its mother.

You should follow the cub and help reunite it with its mother.

  • Follow the bear cub

You have found the cub's mother surrounded by wolves and a Warg.

You should help the bear and defeat them.

  • Defeat the Warg and the wolves

Elrohir wishes to explain the situation to you.

You should talk to him.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268442330


This quests offers no rewards

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