The Sons of Hraubrek

The sons of Hraubrek, the Grímklettar clan chieftain, keep watch over the Hlídborg settlement.

The sons of Hraubrek, the Grímklettar clan chieftain, keep watch over the sheer slopes of the Hlídborg settlement. Wary of outsiders, defeating Ramthol and Víthinga will be the only way to leave the settlement of Hlídborg alive.

Hlídborg can be found in south eastern Câr Bronach.

You should defeat the Stone-giants, Ramthol and Víthinga, found at Hlídborg.

  • Defeat the Stone-giants, Ramthol and Víthinga

Hlídborg can be found in south eastern Câr Bronach.

You should defeat the Stone-giants, Ramthol and Víthinga, found at Hlídborg.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268453649


0 gold coin 46 silver coin 35 copper coin
331000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
331000 legendary xp icon

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