Unseen In the Ice

The Zhélruka, Kúzun, is certain that something watches those who wander the rocky slopes of Câr Bronach.

'I find something is amiss upon these rocky slopes. I can feel it upon the paths, as if something is watching me. I feel it, only for a moment, then it is gone. Have you felt it as well? Yes, there is a cold shiver, even when the wind is calm. There is almost a voice, almost a vision, then nothing.

'I believe it has something to do with these strange lakes of ice scattered about the valley. Will you investigate one that is near for me? I would like to be certain that I am not the only one feeling this way. I do hope the hills are not making me mad.'

The frozen waters Kúzun speaks of can found just west of Hlídborg in Câr Bronach.

You should investigate the frozen waters for Kúzun.

  • Investigate the frozen waters for Kúzun

The frozen waters Kúzun speaks of can found just west of Hlídborg in Câr Bronach.

You should investigate the frozen waters for Kúzun.


Kúzun can be found at Leitstáth.

You should talk to Kúzun.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268453649


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