Thwarting the Iron Pass

Suilgál of the Trév Dúvardain remains wary of the Iron Pass.

'If Soltakh trusts you enough to assist us, then I will give you a task.

'You will find some traps over there in a chest. Fetch them, then set them upon the steps of Bálach Iaran, The Iron Pass. We must do what we can to thwart any loyal to the Iron Crown from entering Câr Bronach.'

Eiricháv can be found in north-west Câr Bronach.

You should retrieve traps from a supply chest.

  • Retrieve traps from a supply chest

Bálach Iaran, the Iron Pass can be found in west Câr Bronach.

You should lay traps at the Iron Pass for Suilgál.

Eiricháv can be found in north-west Câr Bronach.

You should talk to Suilgál.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268453649


0 gold coin 46 silver coin 35 copper coin
331000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
331000 legendary xp icon

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