Best-laid Plans: Skáilag

In the barrows of Skáilag, sorcerers of the Iron Crown work to raise the remains of the Hill-men of Rhudaur into the service of Angmar once again.

'As you might imagine, most of us Dourhands no longer look kindly on those who dare to practise necromancy or other fell sorceries.

'However, there is a barrows to the east where the Angmarim seek to raise the Hill-men of Rhudaur into their service once more. A sorceress, Fláthail, leads them in this task, but she has not yet completed her work—much to the disappointment of the High Priestess, Ásachal.

'If you would help both of our peoples, put an end to her before the Dead overwhelm all of Câr Bronach.'

Skáilag can be found to the east of Grúmachath.

Rethvárd has informed you that the sorceress, Fláthail, endeavours to raise the Hill-men of Rhudaur at Skáilag. You should travel to Skáilag and defeat Fláthail.

  • Travel to Skáilag

Fláthail can be found within the barrows of Skáilag.

You have arrived to find Skáilag overrun by wights and other fell things. You should defeat Fláthail.


You have defeated Fláthail at Skáilag.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268453649


0 gold coin 46 silver coin 35 copper coin
331000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
331000 legendary xp icon
Quest has an additional unknown reward

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