An injured Felgar needs you to send missives to a couple of other scouts.
'Oi -- do me a favour, would you? I've got a job to do, but as you can see, I've landed myself in an embarrassing predicament.'
She gestures to Thrúthug tending to her wounds and grimaces.
'You need to send these missives to a few of the scouts. If nothing's gone horribly wrong, they should still be where they're stationed.
'Two scouts are on the level below us; one's on a bridge to the east, keeping an eye on Durshulot. The other's watching Gazat-fark to the west. The third scout should be waiting in Aslíf, two levels below us.'
Felgar has asked you to deliver some missives to scouts.
Two scouts are on the level below Felgar's location: one on a bridge to the east, the other to the west. The third scout is waiting two levels below Felgar's location, in Aslíf.
You have completed Felgar's request.