Mission: Raging Frost

You have been tasked with retrieving ice that is bolstered by frost grims.

'I have a new mission for you, ${PLAYER}.

'There's a great frozen hall that was explored recently called Kallamdâm. It's frigid and uninviting, and home to many a monster. Specifically, the frost grim.

'I believe when a frost grim persists near ice long enough, it can chill the ice to a super-cold state. I want you to test this theory, and lead frost grims to a frozen area, let them hang around, and then harvest any ice they super-freeze.'

Your mission is to have frost grims super-freeze ice, collect it, and retrieve it.

Speak to Horin to travel to Kallamdâm.


The mission is complete!

Speak to Horin for your reward!


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0 gold coin 49 silver coin 35 copper coin
687000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
687000 legendary xp icon

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