Extending a Helping Hand

With Shúkurz's help, Náin may yet be found.

'I feel terrible for not realizing what Lord Náin's intentions were sooner. Even if his actions were hasty, he shouldn't suffer at Gorgar's hands or waste away in shackles. Unfortunately, we have no information about the layout of Dhúrstrok.'

She pauses to ponder for a moment.

'Shúkurz, you have proven yourself twice now; I am sorry we distrusted you so deeply. Would you be able to go to Dhúrstrok yourself and gather information? Gorgar's Orcs would have no reason to suspect your presence there. In return, you'd be free to take some of our supplies from the supply area downstairs.'

You should talk to Shúkurz and see if he will agree to Múta's plan.


Shúkurz has asked you to take fresh supplies to a supply drop.

You should take some supplies from the supply area of Aslíf.

  • Retrieve supplies in Aslíf

You have retrieved fresh supplies to deliver.

You should find the drop point in front of some gates at the top level of the 'Abad-nuhbu, to the east.

You have delivered the supplies at the specified location.

Shúkurz also asked you to whistle after dropping off the supplies.

You have delivered the supplies and done everything Shúkurz asked of you.

You should return to Aslíf on the upper tier and talk to him if he's returned.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268453670


0 gold coin 45 silver coin 95 copper coin
300000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
300000 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
217000 mount xp icon

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