Following the Trail

Múta has gone missing while investigating missing supplies.

'Hail, friend, and welcome to Deepscrave.' Náin gestures to the oppressive darkness that surrounds the Berg-beam. 'A shame that I can only stand here and watch as the Orcs continue to brutalize the homes of our ancestors.

'Gorgar has fled somewhere into the darkness like the coward he is. Locating and defeating him should be our first priority, but my own advisor, Féli, believes I am being too hasty. As if I can be hasty about seeking the death of one whose family caused mine -- and many others -- such grief! Whatever end I can grant him, I will make sure it is anything but quick and painless.

'But I am sure you did not come just to hear me rant. There are problems that need solving, after all!

'I sent the scout Múta to investigate reports of missing supplies. She went downstairs to examine the supply area before leaving, and that was the last time anyone saw her. Normally, I would not be concerned for someone of her caliber, but we've received no word from her.

'Figure out where the missing supplies have gone, and I'm certain you will find Múta.'

Náin has tasked you with tracking down the scout Múta, who was investigating missing supplies.

Examining the supply area on the lower level of Aslíf should be the first step to solving this mystery.

  • Examine the supply area in Aslíf

You have found scratch marks near the supply area in Aslíf.

Following the scratch marks may help you find Múta.

  • Follow the scratch marks
  • Follow the scratch marks

You have found Múta at Gabil-memâg.

You should talk to her.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268453670


0 gold coin 45 silver coin 95 copper coin
300000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
300000 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
217000 mount xp icon

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