To Bring Light to The Dark

Light is scarce in Deepscrave. The lanterns around 'Abad-nuhbu have gone unlit for too long.

'Came up from Aslíf to try and help Felgar here. Can't say it was easy finding my way up and down the main staircases circling 'Abad-nuhbu through all that darkness. There're lanterns near the stairs, but the Orcs have snuffed 'em out.

'You headed down? Maybe you could light the lanterns along the way. Half of 'em are above Aslíf on the upper tier, and half below.

'It'd be nice if getting lost in the dark became the least of my worries.'

Thrúthug has asked you to light the lanterns near the main staircases circling 'Abad-nuhbu.

Half of the lanterns can be found above Aslíf on the upper tier, and half below.

  • Light lanterns (0/8)

You have lit the lanterns.


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Map width ID 268453670


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217000 mount xp icon

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