Dishonoured Dead

The bodies of fallen dwarves have been taken to Mullach Cagar, where they are used in rituals to create wights.

You have found the remains of a fallen dwarf in a ritual circle. This body is rather fresh, which means it was not taken from an ancient crypt and was likely a Longbeard of the Gabil'akkâ. You cannot allow this dwarf to be dishonoured in this way. You should burn the body and any others in Mullach Cagar before the Angmarim turn them into wights.

You have found dwarf bodies are being used in Angmarim rituals to make wights.

You should burn dwarf bodies in Mullach Cagar.

  • Burn dwarf bodies (0/5)

You have prevented many fallen dwarves from being made into wights.

You should return to Molkha in the valley.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268453645


0 gold coin 47 silver coin 15 copper coin
402000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
402000 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
217000 mount xp icon

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