Lair of the Frost-horde

Molkha has been sent to investigate a frost-drake nest in the Pit of Stonejaws.

'Because the frost-bound hobgoblins rule the Pit of Stonejaws, it is very likely there is a Frost-horde presence here as well. The drakes are the masters in that relationship, after all. I have sent Molkha to find the drakes and observe them. Look for her on the eastern side of the pit. If she has succeeded in finding them, do what you can to disrupt the drakes. When we eventually assault Shakhajât. We're better off if the Frost-horde doesn't come to fight on the side of the hobgoblins.'

Molkha has been sent to find the frost-drakes inside the Pit of Stonejaws.

You should find Molkha somewhere in the tunnels east of Bárgstad.


Molkha needs your help.


You should return to Molkha.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268453673


0 gold coin 46 silver coin 15 copper coin
189000 xp icon
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189000 legendary xp icon
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130000 mount xp icon
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