Mission: Aiding the Kharum-ubnâr (Weekly)

At the behest of King Thorin Stonehelm, the Kharum-ubnâr have enlisted the aid of skilled adventurers to secure distant dwarf-holds and ensure the success of Prince Durin and the Gabil'akkâ in the forthcoming reclamation of Mount Gundabad.

'Hail, ${PLAYER}! I am in need of your assistance in completing a number of missions as part of our efforts to bolster Prince Durin and the Gabil'akkâ in their preparations and ensure the welfare of our brethren at distant dwarf-holds. We must be well-prepared when the time comes to reclaim Mount Gundabad at last!

'Would you assist me and the Kharum-ubnâr by completing several of these missions?'

Vorthur Smokebreath can be found at Akrâz-zahar, in Erebor.

You should talk to Vorthur Smokebreath and complete missions for the Kharum-ubnâr.

  • Complete missions for the Kharum-ubnâr (0/10)

Vorthur Smokebreath can be found at Akrâz-zahar, in Erebor.

You should talk to Vorthur Smokebreath.


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