Zidir-nesad: Epilogue

Zidir-nesad, the seat of Gundabad's lord, has been restored.

'${PLAYER}, it is hard to believe but my eyes do not deceive me. The throne of Zidir-nesad has been restored. Let us admire our work.

'Yes, I say ours, for this was as much your doing as it was my own!'

The Throne of Zidir-nesad can be found at the Steepset in Máttugard.

You should examine the fully restored throne.

  • Examine the fully restored throne

Rísti Graver can be found at the Steepset in Máttugard.

You should talk to Rísti Graver.


Prince Ingór can be found at Vérnozal in Máttugard.

You should talk to Prince Ingór.


The Throne of Zidir-nesad can be found at the Steepset in Máttugard.

You should return to the Throne of Zidir-nesad.

  • Return to the throne of Zidir-nesad

Prince Ingór can be found at the Steepset in Máttugard.

You should talk to Prince Ingór.


The Steepset can be found in Máttugard.

You should look out over Máttugard at Steepset.

The Steepset can be found in Máttugard.

You should listen to the sounds of Máttugard at the Steepset.

Rísti Graver can be found at the Steepset in Máttugard.

You should talk to Rísti Graver.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268453671


0 gold coin 47 silver coin 35 copper coin
422000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
422000 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
217000 mount xp icon
Quest has an additional unknown reward

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