Sadauk-kala: Enemy Supplies

The hobgoblin encampment of Sadauk-kala borders uncomfortably close to the dwarf-held Steepset in Máttugard.

The hobgoblin encampment of Sadauk-kala borders uncomfortably close to the dwarf-held Steepset in Máttugard. Destroying some of the hobgoblin supplies in the encampment would assure that their presence in Máttugard does not grow any greater.

Sadauk-kala can be found in western Máttugard.

You should destroy hobgoblin weapons and supplies at Sadauk-kala.

  • Destroy hobgoblin weapons and supplies at Sadauk-kala

Sadauk-kala can be found in western Máttugard.

You should destroy hobgoblin weapons and supplies at Sadauk-kala.

  • Destroy hobgoblin weapons (0/10)

Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268453671


0 gold coin 45 silver coin 75 copper coin
286000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
286000 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
217000 mount xp icon

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