Gloomingtarn: Drôk-and-Kharb

Mineral riches await those who brave the craggy caverns of Gloomingtarn.

Warning: This quest has a one hour time limit. The timer will begin upon accepting the quest.

'Deep within the caverns of Gloomingtarn are rich mineral deposits. The journey there is not an easy one. However, we need the flint there for the fires and forges. Are you willing to take on this task?'

Warning: This quest has a one hour time limit. The timer will begin upon accepting the quest. This quest can be completed with one or two adventurers.

Defeat Drôk-and-Kharb.


You should return to Zádokh Flint-eye and apprise him of your efforts.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268453671


0 gold coin 20 silver coin 14 copper coin
211000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
211000 legendary xp icon

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