Stonejaws: The Moon-letters

Ancient moon-letters are waiting to be uncovered by those who brave the long forgotten halls, deep within the Pit of Stonejaws.

Warning: This quest requires Stonejaws: Leader of the Frost to be underway. If that quest has been completed or failed, you will be unable to exit and re-enter this instance in order to complete this quest.

The scout gives you a missive to collect moon-letters.

Warning: This quest requires Stonejaws: Leader of the Frost to be underway. If that quest has been completed or failed, you will be unable to exit and re-enter this instance in order to complete this quest.

Collect moon-letters.

  • Collect moon-letters (0/10)

Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268453673


0 gold coin 20 silver coin 14 copper coin
211000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
211000 legendary xp icon

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