Mission: The Zhélruka Clan, Chapter 7

Zóva, Prince Ingór's advisor, has devised a plan to further disrupt the Orkish factions within Gundabad.

Work to sabotage both the Orc encampment and the hobgoblin encampment.

  • Take totems from the hobgoblin encampment (0/6)
  • Destroy supplies at the hobgoblin encampment (0/10)

Continue work to sabotage both the Orc encampment and the hobgoblin encampment.

Return to Zóva.

  • Return to Zóva

Wait with Zóva and see if your plan works.

  • Wait with Zóva and see if your plan works

Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268453673


This quests offers no rewards

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