Chapter 3: The Forge and the Gift

You have pledged to lend your aid and your adventuring skills to the Zhélruka and to fight on their behalf in Gundabad.

'${PLAYER}, I have given it some thought. While the Zhélruka are a very kind people, I believe there are some who might think us... impolite! Can you believe it?

'That is why I have decided that all Zhélruka in Gundabad must make every effort to do good deeds and be kind to the rest of the dwarves here, no matter how bothersome they may be!

'To that end, I want you to assist with making and presenting a great gift to the Longbeards. I have decided a gift of elegant Zhélruka blades will be just the thing. Gather some ingots and assist at the forge. A number of Longbeard captains are set to visit Vérnozal soon, and this gift will demonstrate our generosity.'

Vérnozal can be found in Máttugard, by the Steepset.

You should collect some ingots at the upper forges in Vérnozal.

  • Collect ingots near the upper forges (0/12)

Vérnozal can be found in Máttugard, by the Steepset.

You should forge some Zhélruka weapons in Vérnozal.


Vérnozal can be found in Máttugard, by the Steepset.

Prince Ingór wishes to talk to you.


Vérnozal can be found in Máttugard, by the Steepset.

Prince Ingór wishes to talk to you.


Vérnozal can be found in Máttugard, by the Steepset.

You should give the Zhélruka weapons to the visiting Longbeard captains.

Vérnozal can be found in Máttugard, by the Steepset.

Prince Ingór wishes to talk to you.


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0 gold coin 49 silver coin 35 copper coin
687000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
687000 legendary xp icon
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