Reclaiming the Mountain-hold (Weekly)

Zóva, advisor to Prince Ingór, has requested your aid in the continued efforts to reclaim Gundabad for all dwarves.

'We must reclaim Gundabad for all dwarves!

'I ask for your help to aid in this effort. If you are able to complete several tasks for Zádokh Flint-eye, Agátur the Boastful, and Bráthi, we will be able to reward your accomplishments.'

Gundabad: Reclaiming the Mountain-hold quests are available from Zádokh Flint-eye, Agátur the Boastful, and Bráthi at Zidir-nesad, The Steepset.

You should talk to these dwarves as soon as you are able.

  • Complete Gundabad: Reclaiming the Mountain-hold quests (0/20)

Completed many Gundabad: Reclaiming the Mountain-hold quests assisting in Reclaiming the Mountain-hold.


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0 gold coin 47 silver coin 35 copper coin
253000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
253000 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
130000 mount xp icon

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  • Complete Gundabad: Reclaiming the Mountain-hold quests (0/20)
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