Geode Hunter

Bráthi the master prospector is searching for precious geodes in Gundabad.

'Greetings again, skilled ${CLASS}. I have come to Gundabad in search of rare geodes. You have a keen eye. Perhaps you wish to assist me in the search for geodes?

'Good! There is much of Gundabad to search! Before you begin searching Gundabad for these prized stones, I would first like you to show me what you know of geodes. Next to me there are three rocks. I would like you to pick out the stone with a geode inside. When you have picked up the correct stone, you will need to crack it open to reveal the geode within.'

Various rocks can be found next to Bráthi at Zidir-nesad.

You should choose the correct rock.

  • Test your prospecting skills and choose the correct rock

Various rocks can be found next to Bráthi at Zidir-nesad.

You should pick up the correct rock.

  • Pick up the correct rock

You should crack open the rock that you picked up.

  • Crack open the rock that you picked up

Bráthi can be found at Zidir-nesad, The Steepset.

You should show the geode to Bráthi.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268453671


0 gold coin 45 silver coin 75 copper coin
171000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
171000 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
130000 mount xp icon
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