Broken Mirror

Master smith, Grámi Hornhelm, wants all of Máttugard's mirror traps in working order.

'If you have a moment, I have noticed that one of the mirror traps is not in working order. If you could take a closer look at the mirror trap, assess what has broken, and find a way to fix it, I would be most grateful, ${PLAYER}.'

The broken mirror trap can be found at Shalakibal, in eastern Máttugard.

You should find and assess the broken mirror trap.

  • Examine the broken mirror trap

Parts for the mirror trap can be found scattered throughout Shalakibal.

You should search for parts to fix the broken mirror trap.

  • Find the mirror trap gear

The broken mirror trap can be found at Shalakibal, in eastern Máttugard.

You should attempt to repair the broken mirror trap.

The broken mirror trap can be found at Shalakibal, in eastern Máttugard.

You should attempt to repair the broken mirror trap.

Repaired the broken mirror trap.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268453671


0 gold coin 45 silver coin 55 copper coin
272000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
272000 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
217000 mount xp icon

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