The Brutes of Stonejaws

Hobgoblin brutes have ventured out from the Pit of Stonejaws and into Máttugard.

'${PLAYER}, I believe word of Gazathrug's death has reached the hobgoblins in the Pit of Stonejaws. They demonstrate a renewed resolve and send their brutes to test us at the Steepset. The hobgoblins even construct vile wards to denote their expansion into Máttugard.

'We must defeat these hobgoblin brutes and destroy their wards at once. If we are not swift, then the hobgoblins will believe us to be weak, and move to crush us!'

Hobgoblin brutes and hobgoblin wards can be found in western Máttugard.

You should defeat hobgoblin brutes and destroy their wards.


Voina can be found at Zidir-nesad, the Steepset, in Máttugard.

You should talk to Voina.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268453671


0 gold coin 45 silver coin 75 copper coin
286000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
286000 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
217000 mount xp icon

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