To Deepscrave

Deepscrave is below Máttugard, in Gundabad.

'If you are seeking Deepscrave, it is not far from here. You can find it by travelling south. Tread carefully, for very few dwarves have yet to venture within the deep shaft.

'If you do venture there, you should first seek out Féli, an advisor to Náin the Slakeless. Náin has led a group of dwarves into Deepscrave just recently; they should be on the upper tier, in Aslíf.'

Féli can be found in Aslíf, on the upper tier of Deepscrave.

You should seek him out.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268453670


0 gold coin 19 silver coin 44 copper coin
150000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
150000 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
108000 mount xp icon

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