Defending the Shielded Citadel

The dwarf-outpost of Imrêkh-guthlu borders the heavily-fortified Orc stronghold of Deepscrave in Gundabad.

'I believe some dwarves have established a small outpost near the Deepscrave. We should travel there and tell them what we have learned about the Orcs at Tholmuzog.'

Imrêkh-guthlu can be found in the southern reaches of Máttugard, near Deepscrave.

You should travel to Imrêkh-guthlu.

  • Travel to Imrêkh-guthlu

Hetbrúda can be found at Imrêkh-guthlu in Máttugard.

You should talk to Hetbrúda.


Lóssi can be found at Imrêkh-guthlu in Máttugard.

You should talk to Lóssi.


Imrêkh-guthlu can be found in the southern reaches of Máttugard, near Deepscrave.

You should defend Imrêkh-guthlu.


Hetbrúda can be found at Imrêkh-guthlu in Máttugard.

You should talk to Hetbrúda.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268453671


0 gold coin 45 silver coin 55 copper coin
272000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
272000 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
217000 mount xp icon

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