Fur Blankets

Thick furs are needed to help to combat the bitter cold of Azanulbizar.

'Make yourself useful! Our brethren may be trying to hide shivers behind beards, but I can tell they feel the biting wind through their mail. If you can bring me fur pelts, I can make blankets and line the clothing of our brave warriors.

'You will find bears, wolves, and Wargs outside these walls. The latter may or may not have pelts we can use, but you may get lucky! Anything we can do to thin their ranks is always worth it as well.'

Bears, Wargs, and wolves can be found throughout the woods of Azanulbizar.

Aboki has tasked you with collecting animal pelts to help keep the army warm.

  • Collect Warg pelts (0/8)

Aboki is in Amdân.

You should bring the furs to Aboki.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268453555


0 gold coin 45 silver coin 35 copper coin
259000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
259000 legendary xp icon

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