After you delivered a missive to Hersegg, granddaughter of Hermáth Stormhammer, and learned of the Sixth War of the Dwarves and Orcs, King Thorin has tasked you with guiding his swiftest riders to send word of the muster to the Mountain-home.
'Let us make certain that Durin receives his reinforcements, ${PLAYER}. The Gabil'akkâ must be well-prepared for the conquest of the Mountain-home!
'To that end, I have written a number of missives to be delivered to other Longbeard holdings across the world as well as those of our cousins, the Landorrim and Narfanghoth. Among several others, I have called upon all the dwarves of Thorin's Hall, Gabilazan, and even Gabilshathûr in the realm of old Angmar. None shall be excluded from joining the Gabil'akkâ, for as my son rightly said, there will be need for dwarves of all vocations at Gundabad in the days ahead.
In addition, I have drafted missives to the Kings of the Temámir, the Abnúzhu, and... the Kámbrada. After all, it is high time they learned of their cousins from Mordor! I do not know if any among them will send word in return, but I hold hope that the old friendships between our peoples have not been forgotten.
'I ask that you seek out Skalla, Vísbur, Fregi, Garni, and Uddvar here at Erebor, and see that they bring word of the muster to the Mountain-home!
'Will you deliver these missives to my riders, ${PLAYER}?'
King Thorin's riders can be found at the Lonely Mountain, Erebor.
King Thorin has asked you to deliver missives to his riders at Erebor. You should deliver missives to King Thorin's riders.
King Thorin can be found at his throne in the Hall Under the Mountain at Erebor.
You have delivered all of the missives to King Thorin's riders at Erebor. You should return to King Thorin.