Mission: Keepers of the Narrow Way

Far to the north of Annâk-khurfu lies Rathad Caul, the Narrow Way, a treacherous passage into Câr Bronach. There, those still loyal to the Iron Crown guard the approach to the last bastions of Angmar.

'I have a new mission for you, ${PLAYER}.

'Our scouts have reported a recent rise in activity to the north. It seems a remnant of the Iron Crown has taken refuge in the lands of Câr Bronach, and they have set a watch at Rathad Caul, the Narrow Way. Although the Gabil'akkâ must remain focused on the reclamation of Gundabad, we cannot allow the Iron Crown to keep a foothold so near to the mountain.

'You are to travel to Rathad Caul at once! Defeat the gate-keeper and tear down the banner of the Iron Crown!'

Your mission is to defeat the Dourhand gate-keeper guarding Rathad Caul and tear down the banner of the Iron Crown.

You should talk to Vorthur Smokebreath and travel to Rathad Caul.


You have completed your mission.

You should talk to Vorthur Smokebreath at Akrâz-zahar.


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0 gold coin 49 silver coin 35 copper coin
687000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
687000 legendary xp icon

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