Release the Hounds

Poachers have raided a wolf den and stolen the young cubs.

'I came across a very angry wolf while you were gone and ended up spending a good deal of time up a tree so she wouldn't see me. I feared her rage was illness driven, but when I tracked her I found a camp of poachers with cages full of wolf cubs. I don't hold with poachers. They care not for the impact their hunting has on forests.

'I am a hunter, but I am no fighter. Will you release the wolf cubs and deal with the poachers? I will of course make sure you are compensated.'

Poachers can be found in the south-eastern Wildwood.

Linnet has asked you to rescue wolf cubs who have been captured by poachers.


Linnet can be found in the south-central Wildwood.

You should return to Linnet.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268453543


0 gold coin 23 silver coin 10 copper coin
4480 xp icon

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