March on Gundabad: Shakalush, the Stair Battle (Daily)

The Gabil'akkâ, the Unified Army of Dwarves, has asked for your assistance in routing the forces outside Bagûd-mekhem, the Gate of Wind.

'The Gabil'akkâ, the Unified Army of Dwarves, has need of your assistance in securing Bagûd-mekhem, the Gate of Wind.

'Zhurmat and his fearsome mount, the horrible two-headed troll Groz-and-Ulk, have begun to amass forces for use against the Gabil'akkâ in the valley below.

'Could you assist us at the Gate of Wind?'

Hlóthi has requested your aid in securing Bagûd-mekhem, the Gate of Wind, for the Gabil'akkâ, the Unified Army of Dwarves.


Locate Hlóthi and inform him of your progress.


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