Mission: Nests of Ice

You have been tasked with clearing out the cold-worm nesting grounds at the ruins of Stormwall.

'I have a new mission for you, ${PLAYER}.

'My scouts have come back from Stormwall. They have found the ruins overrun with cold-worms and their nests! Had my scouts more time, they would have destroyed some of the nests. We must return to properly rid these beasts from this place.

'We can not allow any of the Frost-horde to claim a hold in Ered Mithrin!'

Your mission is to clear out the cold-worm nesting grounds at the ruins of Stormwall.

Speak to Hórin to travel to Stormwall.


The mission is complete!

Speak to Hórin for your reward!


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0 gold coin 49 silver coin 35 copper coin
687000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
687000 legendary xp icon

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