Mission: A Chill on the Gladdenmere

You have been tasked with repelling a pack of worms encroaching on Kidzul-kâlah.

'I have a new mission for you, ${PLAYER}.

'My scouts have reported a recent rise in the population of worms in the hills to the east of Kidzul-kâlah. It seems they have grown more bold as of late and have made several attempts to breach the walls of the old fortress. I do not know if they mean to nest in Kidzul-kâlah, but the Longbeards will not abide another work of dwarves stolen by dragon-kind!

'You are to travel to Kidzul-kâlah and thin the numbers of these encroaching worms. For the Gabil'akkâ!'

Your mission is to repel a pack of worms encroaching on Kidzul-kâlah.

You should talk to Ausma and travel to Kidzul-kâlah.


You have completed your mission.

You should talk to Ausma for your reward.


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0 gold coin 49 silver coin 35 copper coin
687000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
687000 legendary xp icon

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