Mission: Invasion at the Redhorn Pass

After traversing the Redhorn Pass, a growing band of goblins seeks to capture Kidzul-kâlah and set siege to the Vales of Anduin.

'I have a new mission for you, ${PLAYER}.

'My scouts have sent urgent word from Kidzul-kâlah. It seems a band of goblins out of Eregion has made its way through the Redhorn Pass to the Vales of Anduin. A few goblins do not worry me, but I am told this force grows larger with every passing hour.

'You are to travel to Kidzul-kâlah at once. If you cannot find another way to stop this invasion, I have been given the authority to order you to seal the Redhorn Pass.

'Let us hope it does not come to that, but do what must be done! For the Gabil'akkâ!'

Your mission is to repel the goblin invasion at Kidzul-kâlah and seal the Redhorn Pass.

You should talk to Ausma and travel to Kidzul-kâlah.


You have completed your mission.

You should talk to Ausma for your reward.


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0 gold coin 49 silver coin 35 copper coin
687000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
687000 legendary xp icon

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