Mission: Emissary at the Goblin-gate

You have been tasked with dispatching Gorgar's emissary at the Goblin-gate.

'I have a new mission for you, ${PLAYER}.

'The goblins of the Misty Mountains have long plagued the people of Rhovanion. A great horde of them still resides inside Goblin-town. It is imperative that we KEEP them inside the mountains, and prevent them from adding their forces to Gorgar's army. My scouts have seen a band of Orcs travelling south toward the Goblin-gate. They said one of them looked \qimportant\q. This may be an emissary from Gorgar, attempting to take control of Goblin-town once again. You must defeat him before that can happen!'

Your mission is to defeat Blúghosh, Emissary of Gorgar, at the Goblin-gate.

Speak to Ausma to travel to the Goblin-gate.


The mission is complete!

Speak to Ausma for your reward!


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0 gold coin 49 silver coin 35 copper coin
687000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
687000 legendary xp icon

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