A florist in Minas Tirith needs help finding her wayward daughter.
NOTE: This quest will be removed from your quest log when the current festival ends.
'Welcome, friend! I heard you shall be assisting us during the festivities. Glad I am, to hear this!
'I sent my daughter down to the First Circle to gather flowers, which I planned to weave into floral crowns. She is a good lass, but does tend to get distracted. If you find yourself down there, would you be so kind as to look for her?'
The florist's daughter was sent to the First Circle of Minas Tirith to gather flowers.
You should look for the florist's daughter.
Flowers can be found in the gardens and green spaces of the First Circle of Minas Tirith.
You should collect flowers for the florist's daughter.
The florist's daughter can be found on the First Circle of Minas Tirith.
You should bring the flowers to the florist's daughter.
The florist's daughter's blanket is on the First Circle of Minas Tirith.
Assemble the flowers into crowns on the blanket.
The florist is on the Seventh Circle of Minas Tirith.
Bring the floral crowns to the florist.