While creating lanterns for his fellow Elves, Gairil the lantern-maker has run out of candle materials and needs help collecting more.
NOTE: This quest will be removed from your quest log when the current festival ends.
'The time has flown by, hasn't it? It seems I became lost in my work. But you have come at a most opportune time.
'Let me explain: I craft lanterns for those who have sailed West, so that their lights may shine in Middle-earth again for just a while. Their loved ones come to send the lanterns downstream. If they cannot journey here, I place the lanterns into the river myself.
'Alas, I am running out of beeswax for my candles. I would gather more from the beehives near the entrance to Limael's Vineyard, but I have many lanterns to create. If you could aid me, I would be most grateful.'
Limael's Vineyard is located to the north-west of Celondim.
You can find beeswax from the hives near the vineyard's entrance.
Gairil is working at the Celondim docks to the south.
You should bring the beeswax to him.
Gairil has given you one of the lanterns he crafted earlier.
You should set the lantern down onto the river.