Without a Hitch - A Wedding Favour

A beleaguered marriage-wright, Melthend, has asked you to assemble some wedding centrepieces for an upcoming ceremony.

'Pardon, but are you a jeweller or a scholar? I'm expecting a shipment of wedding centrepieces, but nothing has arrived. If you get your hands on some wedding centrepiece kits and have the skill to assemble them, please make centrepieces and bring them to me.'

The crafting recipe for the wedding centrepieces can be bartered for from the marriage-wright, Melthend.

Wedding centrepiece kits can be earned by completing Midsummer quests in Duillond.


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0 gold coin 49 silver coin 35 copper coin
412000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
412000 legendary xp icon

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