Without a Hitch - A Celebratory Snack

A beleaguered marriage-wright, Melthend, has asked you to bake some strawberry buns for an upcoming ceremony.

'Do you know your way around an oven? I'm expecting a shipment of strawberry buns from a nearby bakery, but have received nothing. If you get your hands on some strawberry bun baking kits and are a good enough cook to bake them, please make three buns and bring them to me.'

The crafting recipe for the strawberry buns can be bartered for from the marriage-wright, Melthend.

Strawberry bun kits can be earned by completing Midsummer quests in Hobbiton-Bywater and at the Party Tree.


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0 gold coin 49 silver coin 35 copper coin
412000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
412000 legendary xp icon

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