Without a Hitch - Drinking Horns

A beleaguered marriage-wright, Melthend, has asked you to fashion some midsummer drinking horns for an upcoming ceremony.

'Excuse me, but you seem to know your way around a forge, and I need a little help. I'm expecting a shipment of midsummer drinking horns, but nothing has arrived. If you get your hands on some drinking horn kits and are skilled in the arts of metalsmithing or weaponsmithing, please make three horns and bring them to me.'

The crafting recipe for a midsummer drinking horn can be bartered for from the marriage-wright, Melthend.

Drinking horn kits can be found by completing Midsummer quests in Thorin's Hall.


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0 gold coin 49 silver coin 35 copper coin
412000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
412000 legendary xp icon

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