The party from Rivendell has been scouted from the walls of the city: the bride has nearly arrived, and the Great Wedding is soon to commence.
'Messengers from Amon Dîn have come to the city, and they bring word that a riding of fair folk has come out of the north. Even now they draw near the walls of the Pelennor, and my betrothed is with them.
'Go to the gates of the city, ${PLAYER}, and tell Húrin I will be down presently. I would ask you to then greet the party from Rivendell, and let them know they are long-awaited, and most welcome in Gondor!'
Húrin the Tall, Warden of the Keys, is waiting for you to come down to the gates of the city so you may welcome the party from Rivendell.
The party from Rivendell has been spotted to the north of Minas Tirith (Midsummer), and it is King Elessar's wish that you should greet them.
Your friends among the travelling party wish to greet you after their long journey.
Your friends among the travelling party wish to greet you after their long journey.
Your friends among the travelling party wish to greet you after their long journey.
Elrond smiles at you, his eyebrows raised with unexpected mirth. Even so, you know he feels a deep sorrow that his daughter will no longer accompany him to the Undying Lands.
Arwen Undómiel, Evenstar of her people, has come to Gondor. She wishes to speak with you.