Celeborn leads a company of brave adventurers into the depths of the Remmorchant seeking to bring about the final defeat of his ancient foe. Meanwhile, Rûkhor the Pale Herald is enacting his vile plan to unleash the unending hunger of Shelob the Great upon all of Middle-earth.
The Ungoladan chieftain, Bratha Tasakh, Lady of Many Venoms, bars your path deeper into the Remmorchant.
Thossulun the Massive, daughter of Shelob and Queen of all gredbyg, must be defeated to stem the tide of insects harassing your allies.
Rûkhor the Pale Herald has unveiled his nefarious scheme to you. You must defeat him and his Bloodless captain, Zabothak, to prevent Shelob from being unleashed!
The last challenge is finally upon you: defeat Ungwetári herself!